Building your future is Simple but Hard – here’s how to do it

It is not easy to live with an idea in your mind that you have a passion for or believe that if only you could bring it to life your world would change. Your idea could help thousands of people, will educate others to be able to improve their lives or will sell thousands and bring you the security and freedom you want.


To get from HERE to THERE seems insurmountable. You’ve never created a product or offering, you don’t know how to put a prototype together, or you don’t know how to research the market or build an audience. Before you know it you’ve convinced yourself that it’s not worth pursuing because of:

  • a) Someone has probably already done it,
  • b) If I start talking to people about it my idea will be stolen,
  • c) I don’t know enough to get it off the ground.
Too Difficult Box

It’s in the TOO DIFFICULT box
The reality is that if you could just ‘start’ then you could overcome the true problem, that you believe it’s too difficult to get your idea to business full stop.

Building your future is Simple but Hard
What does this mean? How can building your future be simple and yet hard? If it’s hard then it can’t be simple……can it?

SO let me begin by explaining how simple it is….

The simple part is that there are really only FOUR facets to getting you from HERE to THERE – wherever your THERE is (could be the book you want to write, teaching the world to play the flute or building a business that helps you quit your job) doesn’t really matter at this stage, it’s the same four things that I call:

The Faster Founders FOUR FORT

Taking Action
Knowing which Skills to use
Building your Offering
Finding your Audience

By focusing on just these four simple areas you will get yourself to THERE. By getting these four in your sights you will build your Founders Fort which is your bedrock to building your future success and freedom.

So what’s the Hard Part?
Okay, so they sound simple enough. I just need to focus on these and I’ll be on my way, so where do I start?

AHA! And here you have found the HARD part! So many have got to this point and packed up their toys and gone Home. This is the point where the ‘TOO DIFFICULT’ box appears and your idea gets stuffed into it and you get back to your humdrum life and job and continue on the hamster wheel of work not hitting the heights you know inside that you can.

So over the coming series of posts we will break down the ‘problem’ of knowing where and how to start and I will give you the tools and techniques to get you over this hurdle with the motivation to take your toys and move to the next stage of bringing your offering to those who need to use it. 




Contributor at Faster Founders
Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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