How to create Actionable Actions
If you’re going to get your idea or offering out there and in the hands of your audience then you’re going to need to take action.
But we’re not talking the kind of vague, loose action that hangs around for days on the list never getting done, and therefore keeping you from achieving your goals.
Here I will show you how to write ‘actionable actions’ that when you read them back they will drive you to take the action that gets your goals achieved – without this approach you are destined to a slow and low velocity action list that hangs around you for days.
Actionable Actions Formula
Action Verb | Activity | Purpose | Due Date |
Complete | Month end report | for Accounting | by Friday 12pm |
Use action verbs – When you write an action make it a ‘command’ as if you’re ordering yourself to complete it.
Make use of ‘action verbs’ so when you read it back when you’re ready to tackle it, you already know what you’re going to do because it’s worded in the right way.
Action Verbs
Accelerate | Collect | Enact | Inform | Outline | review |
Accompany | Command | Encourage | Initiate | Participate | revise |
Achieve | Communicate | Enforce | Innovate | Perceive | Schedule |
Acquire | Complete | Engineer | Inspire | Perfect | Screen |
Adapt | Compose | Enhance | Install | Perform | Secure |
Address | Conceive | Employ | Instruct | Persuade | Select |
Adjust | Condense | Establish | Insure | Pilot | Serve |
Administer | Conduct | Evaluate | Integrate | Pinpoint | Simplify |
Advance | Construct | Exceed | Intensify | Pioneer | Solve |
Advertise | Contract | Execute | Interpret | Place | Spearhead |
Advise | Contribute | Exhibit | Interview | Plan | Specialise |
Advocate | Control | Expand | Invent | Prepare | Staff |
Allocate | Convert | Expedite | Investigate | Preside | Standardise |
Analyse | Cooperate | Explain | Justify | Prevent | Streamline |
Anticipate | Coordinate | Explore | Launch | Prioritise | Strengthen |
Apply | Correlate | Facilitate | Lead | Process | Structure |
Appreciate | Correspond | Finalize | License | Procure | Succeed |
Arrange | Create | Finance | Locate | Produce | Summarize |
Assemble | Cultivate | Focus | Log | Program | Supervise |
Assess | Customize | Forecast | Maintain | Project | Support |
Assign | Decide | Formalize | Manage | Promote | Survey |
Assist | Define | Form | Manufacture | Propose | Synthesise |
Audit | Delegate | Foster | Market | Prove | Systematize |
Authorise | Deliver | Found | Master | Provide | Target |
Balance | Demonstrate | Fundraise | Mediate | Publicise | Teach |
Brief | Design | Generate | Mentor | Publish | Test |
Budget | Determine | Govern | Minimise | Purchase | Train |
Build | Develop | Graduate | Mobilise | Qualify | Transfer |
Calculate | Devise | Guide | Modify | Quantify | Transmit |
Catalogue | Direct | Handle | Monitor | Realise | Translate |
Centralise | Discover | Head | Motivate | Recommend | Tutor |
Chair | Display | Hire | Negotiate | Reconcile | Unify |
Change | Document | Identify | Nominate | Recruit | Update |
Clarify | Double | Illustrate | Obtain | Reduce | Upgrade |
Classify | Draft | Implement | Operate | Reinforce | Use |
Collaborate | Earn | Improve | Orchestrate | Reorganize | Utilise |
Collect | Edit | Improvise | Order | Report | Verify |
Command | Educate | Incorporate | Organise | Research | Volunteer |
Communicate | Effect | Increase | Originate | Resolve | |
Eliminate | Influence | Respond | |||
Revamp |
Be specific and write down exactly what you’re going to do ‘write report’ is not the same as ‘complete the month end report for Beatrice by 12pm on Friday’.
Once you have specific and action oriented actions, be specific and don’t keep a long to-do list with you. Prioritise your actions and keep only the most relevant (no more than 20 actions) on the list.
Be realistic with yourself – you will only achieve three of your priority actions in a day. If you find you’re achieving many more, then re-visit what you’re terming an action.
Finally, my advice every time and all of the time is simply…….practice! The more you practice the better you’ll get….true of lots of areas.
Share your comments below with your own tips for writing actionable actions.