Top 12 risk factors to your idea becoming reality and how to avoid them – The Dirty Dozen

Red Risk Road warning sign - risk factors to bringing your idea to business
Top Risk Factors to bringing your idea to business

In driving to take your idea to business or make your offering a reality you will constantly battle with what Steven Pressfield calls ‘Resistance’ in his book Do the Work which is the constant pressures and distractions that press against you holding you back as you work to bring your offering into reality.

I came across this article about human errors and their causes that was surfaced to me by Elvin Box in his LinkedIn feed – thanks Elvin. And it got me thinking about how these are also pretty close to the business risk factors that stand between you and bringing your idea to business.

The article is written by Bernhard Rikardsen (ex-VP of Scandinavian Airlines) and discusses the 12 most common causes of human error from an airline industry perspective and gives some examples of how they can be counteracted.

The Factors include:

  • Lack of communication – very apparent to us as we look to build out an audience for our offering
  • Complacency – don’t get to comfortable and keep pushing your idea into business
  • Lack of knowledge – a clear and present danger and one that if you’re reading here at Faster Founders you are already tackling
  • Distraction – the dark matter around us that saps our attention
  • Fatigue – keeping yourself, fit, healthy and well
  • Lack of resources – part of this for us is also in knowing what resources we need
  • Lack of awareness – knowing that these risk factors exist will help us

Read through Bernhard’s article and think about how each one could be impacting you and your planning today and in the future and what you can do to avoid and counteract them. Knowing about them and being aware is half the battle, taking pro-active action to mitigate the risk of them occurring is a whole lot better.

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