Level 1 – Lost in Building your business?

Level 1 – LOST

Build you business idea
Lost in how to build your business idea

At this level you are in effect ‘lost’ you know you want to do ‘something’ but it’s not clear:

  1. What it is that you think you want to do
  2. How you’re going to do the something

If you’re lucky you may have a firm idea of what it is you want to do (that will inevitably change by the way) and some inkling of how it is that you’re going to make it happen. Hurrah, you’re one of the few to our pages with this!

The most important thing is to recognise the feelings and ‘decide’ you’re going to do something about it. You see, it’s the ‘decision’ that’s important. Without you making a real decision to get off your backside and make it happen, then you will never get past Level 1….

Level 1 – Lost – how to start building your product idea

You have worked out that you have this idea or offering that you want to create, but you’re not clear on how to start, where to go for help, what help it is you need and most of all whether the idea or offering will really be of value to others.

This is perfectly normal and lots of people start from this place.

Let’s get started with the basic blocks you need:

Taking Action:

– Describe where or what you want to get to [Goals]. By knowing where you want to get to you can plot a course from A to B. And don’t worry about getting it exactly right first time – as your understanding grows we’ll create an action plan that finesses the how.

Skills needed:

– What skills and capabilities will you need to bring your idea to reality and which ones don’t you have [knowledge or knowhow needed]. This might be sales skills (more on later), communications, graphic design, web sites, machining, proto-typing you name it if you think you need it.

Making it:

– Do you know what the thing you’re going to make is and some idea of how it might be made. The vision for your offering and some description of how it might be created including what resources may be needed. [Vision and Description].

 Finding People / Audience:

  • Who are the people that would be interested in your idea and offering. Can you describe how they would use it [Target User description] and hence what problem does it fix for them and what value does it add?

Summary of the practical tools you will have at Level 1:

Action Skills
  • Goals
  • Mission
– Knowledge or Knowhow needed
Make it Find People
– Product Description
  • Target User description

Next we’ll look at the next level in building your understanding of your idea to help earn an extra income


Level 2 – STARTED to take your idea to business



Contributor at Faster Founders
Richard is Founder and Editor at www.FasterFounders.com. Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.
Level 1 - Lost in Building your business?
Article Name
Level 1 - Lost in Building your business?
You have worked out that you have this idea or offering that you want to create, but you’re not clear on how to start, where to go for help, what help it is you need and most of all whether the idea or offering will really be of value to others or earn an income.

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Richard is Founder and Editor at www.FasterFounders.com. Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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