Practical Tools and Motivation to turn your idea into reality

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Practical Tools and Motivation to Make it Happen

Everyone has within them that one great idea or book or ‘thing’.

It’s true that 99% of people do not get to the point of surfacing their ‘thing’, either because bringing it into reality is too difficult and they don’t know where to start, or through fear of failure that their idea is not worthwhile.

The reality is that for an individual to get their ‘thing’ from an idea to reality is ‘simple’ but ‘hard’. And with the right steps the risk that the idea is not worthwhile can be tackled early and put to bed.

Idea to Reality is Simple

I say it is simple because with the right steps and a sequence laid out before you to bring your idea to life in a way that you can understand it in more detail, define it and give it form (not just an idea in your head), and be able to communicate it to others so that the benefits of your idea can be understood, you can transform your idea into an offering that people can consume and realise the potential from.

Overcoming the Hard part

Okay, so sounds simple enough – right?

Most people will find this hard to do and won’t complete the task. This will be caused by their own internal blockers coming to bear and halting any progress before it has even begun. Safer to believe in your head that the idea is great than to actually put it out there into the world and really know it. There will be lots of excuses for not putting the effort in, whether it is not enough time, resources, family support, knowledge, etc…

So the ‘hard’ part is actually in getting off the bench, standing behind the idea and putting in some effort to bring it out of your head and into the world.

Are you ready to bring your idea to reality?

What is the Plan stickieOver the coming weeks I will be laying out the steps to get you and your idea together out into the real world so that you can put shape to it, describe and communicate it, and share it with those who might consume it and realise the benefit from your offering.

Whether your reasons for wanting to are to escape your cubicle or job, to help others through the value of your idea or to make the world a better place. I intend to arm you with the simple practical tools and motivation to overcome the resistance and get your offering out there.

Related articles:

Practical Perseverance and How to Develop it

Level 1 – Lost in Building your Business

Level 2 – Started to take your idea to business

Make it happen and bring your idea to reality



Contributor at Faster Founders
Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.
Practical Tools and Motivation to turn your idea into reality
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Practical Tools and Motivation to turn your idea into reality
Getting your idea from your head and into reality is simple but hard. Simple with the right steps and sequence to follow, hard because of the blockers in your own head. The coming weeks will bring the practical tools and motivation to help you make it happen.

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Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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