Think you can’t do it?

can't do this
I can’t do this but I’m doing it anyway


There is an in-built chip that we all have that is programmed to give us the fear of not being able to achieve things. It’s in Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos exactly the same as you and I.

When you get that great assignment or you’ve just landed that great job you suddenly become overwhelmed and thing “I can’t do this….!”. Sound familiar?

This feeling is known as many things but I’m going to refer to is as Impostor Syndrome where you feel that somehow you’re not up-to the job and will be found out!

How to keep your idea on track and succeed

Here are several tactics that you can use to keep your idea on track and overcome this limiting belief:

1. Focus on where you’re going

Keep your eye on the prize and focus on where you’re going and the tasks you need to take to get there. This will help keep you grounded and focussed.

2. Don’t try to make things perfect at first

The danger is that because you’re worried you go into ‘planning’ mode and try to get everything perfect but end up in analysis paralysis. Don’t worry too much about getting it right first time – just get stuck in and it’ll work out as it progresses.

3. Ask for help

It sounds counter-intuitive but no great achiever gets there alone, the best achievements have been made with teams of people all supporting one another. So look to surround yourself with a support structure. Either reach out to friends and colleagues or find an on-line group to share your thoughts and ideas – this will soon help you find out whether you’re on the right track or need to tweak things a little. Don’t be afraid to ask for help….if you don’t you’ll isolate yourself and make things ten times more difficult.

4. Give yourself some room to make mistakes

Keep evaluating how your decision making is progressing. Are you making more good than bad, then you’re on the right track. It’s fine to make mistakes once in a while on your journey through.

5. Don’t worry about having not done this before

You don’t need to have done this thing or role before to be able to take it on. Having the confidence to tackle it and see it through is key, the skills and path through will come together but without the confidence that you ‘will’ do this thing then you are lost.

Help others with your own tactics – drop a comment below with your ideas for keeping your idea on track.



Contributor at Faster Founders
Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.
Think you can't do this thing?
Article Name
Think you can't do this thing?
There is an in-built chip that we all have that is programmed to give us the fear of not being able to achieve things. It's in Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos exactly the same as you and I. This feeling is known as many things but I'm going to refer to is as Impostor Syndrome where you feel that somehow you're not up-to the job and will be found out!

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Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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