Geordie’s Story – How to take an idea to business

The Foundation | Geordie Wardman sketch
The Foundation | Geordie Wardman sketch

This is a fantastic short video where Geordie Wardman gives us his story of one guy’s experience in starting with an idea and trying to build it up into a business that can sustain him.

Geordie talks of his experience at the well established course offered by Dane Maxwell called The Foundation.

He goes through his emotions of getting the idea up, the first customer, the gap between any more customers and Sales and then the elation of a steady 2-3 customers a week.

This isn’t a big scale, large volume success story. This is the warts and all gradual slog that is involved in seeing through on your idea and executing to get it from idea to business.

Geordie talks about how he became a lot more comfortable with dealing with ‘extreme uncertainty’ which, when he started was a huge part of the journey. He talks publicly of his first sales attempts and hit rate of less than 3%, and how he’s progressed in a very short time to a closer to 95% hit rate.

Have a listen and check out his very practical approach to the hand-drawn infographic sharing his experience.



Contributor at Faster Founders
Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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Richard is Founder and Editor at Richard has extensively researched the key aspects of getting you from idea to business faster. Everyone has an idea but Richard is focussed on moving and motivating people to execute on that idea and bring it to life....faster.

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